Happy Birthday: Leonardo DiCaprio

WILDsound Festival

leonardodicaprio.jpgLeonardo DiCaprio

Born: November 11, 1974 in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA

There are a lot of pitfalls to success, and one is not listening to criticism. One of the the most important things you can do is hear criticism of yourself and embrace it, whether it be – in my case – artistic or personal.

[on what drew him to portraying Jay Gatsby] The idea of a man who came from absolutely nothing, who created himself solely from his own imagination. Gatsby’s one of those iconic characters because he can be interpreted in so many ways: a hopeless romantic, a completely obsessed wacko or a dangerous gangster, clinging to wealth.

[on playing the plantation owner in Django Unchained (2012)] There was absolutely nothing about this man that I could identify with. I hated him. It was one of the most narcissistic, self-indulgent, racist, horrible characters I’ve ever read in…

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