Short Film Review: THE WHALE GUITAR: INSTRUMENT OF CHANGE, 10min., Documentary


Inspired by Herman Melville’s epic tale, “Moby-Dick or The Whale”, a late-blooming singer/songwriter and former toy designer, Jen Long, acts on a startling vision and commissions the design and build of a remarkable custom electric guitar. 

REVIEW by Victoria Angelique

A story that combines a love for literature and an advocacy for climate change in the most creative of ways is the perfect way to sum up the film THE WHALE GUITAR: INSTRUMENT OF CHANGE. Jennifer Long is a passionate woman, a fact that is obvious in the gentle way she speaks about her purpose on this Earth. The fact that she was able to combine her three loves into one object, a guitar in the shape of a whale, is awe-inspiring. 

The documentary by directors Shawn Tetrault and Jen Long is told in very simple shots. First by examining the exquisite guitar and then interviewing Jennifer sitting on the steps of the Providence, Rhode Island public library. It aided the film with the historic architecture to really capture the beauty of the guitar and a love for classic literature as the story of MOBY DICK is what inspired Jennifer to create such a magnificent instrument. 

Jennifer is enthusiastic as she describes how the guitar was created with her background story as she points out what each part of the whale guitar symbolizes. She shows her deep love for advocacy within the guitar in a way that is gentle rather than hostile. Allowing others to play this unique musical instrument is a peaceful, artistic way to bring discussion for climate change rather than contention as it sparks curiosity instead of resentment. Long very clearly loves literature, the climate and the desire to dream without giving up. 

The creation of the Whale Guitar Project is a way to show others how to bring change into the world while continuing to learn themselves. A montage of different musicians playing the guitar is depicted in a way to show the unifying purpose that one instrument can have in order to bring about change. It’s clear that THE WHALE GUITAR is a message that should bring about a love for classic literature, following dreams and most importantly, trying to find a solution to climate change through art. 

Directed by Shawn Tetrault

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