Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: ACTION/ADVENTURE Film & Screenplay Festival

A showcase of the best Action/Adventure Films and Screenplays from around the world.

Submit on FilmFreeway:

Festival takes place every single month online.

Film Festival will be showcased at the monthly virtual film festival.

Screenplay submissions offers writers at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their stories read aloud using professional actors. Full feedback on all submissions as well by our team of professional screenwriters.

We have created a hybrid festival with 4 tiers to enhance your film and your festival experience. All accepted films receive all four tier options:

Tier #1 – Your film plays at a private festival event where the audience will record their comments/reactions to your film on their camera or phone, then we edit them and send you a promotional video. No matter what you will receive a promotional video of your film of people commenting on your film.

Tier #2 (optional) – Your film plays on the Film Festival streaming service for 30 hours and invite a select industry audience to watch it. With this system, some films have already received a distribution deal as many platforms are looking for solid feature and short documentaries. We can not guarantee anything of course but this has been very helpful to many in the past. (see testimonials below)

Then (Tier #3) we will send you a list of questions to answer for our blog interview that will promote you and your film. Then after that (Tier #4) we will set up a podcast interview on our popular ITunes show where will we chat with you about the process of how the film was made.

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