Short Film Review: THE OLD LADY. Directed by Andres Romero


A lonely old lady is slowly dying in her old mansion when the arrival of the daughter of her caretaker mysteriously changes her future prospects.

Review by Andie Karvelis:

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Especially one that is part psychological thriller. The Old Lady centers around Dona~ Ana ( really wishing I could put the tilde where it belongs ) who is slowly dying in her vast mansion. Yet, strange things start to happen when her caregiver’s daughter comes to visit.

Screenwriter, ANGELE MARTENS, gives us a slow burn of a story. Creating a breadcrumb trail of clues for the viewer to follow so their inner sleuth comes out. The cinematography is absolutely stunning and the aerial photography only adds to the beauty to this film. This is due to the Director of Photography, David Garcia and Miguel de Uliarte who work wonderfully together.

Director, Andres Romero, clearly understood how to create a mysterious environment and it shows with how wonderfully the actors did. Manuela Garcia, Angels Martens and Tamara Pena~ ( again, wishing I could have the tilde on top of the “n” ) gave nuanced and authentic performances which drew you into the story and kept you engaged. The ending is a twist that every mystery lover will appreciate.

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