Short Film Review: SHADOW FIST 3: THE FINAL CHAPTER. Action

Review by Andie Karvelis:

From the moment this opens it grabs your attention with its visually striking introduction. The set up of the story is creative and beautifully tailored and lets the viewer know they are going on a journey. I stand corrected, an epic journey!

Robert Jefferson wrote and co-directed this film with Robert Samuels and they knew how to tell a story. This wasn’t just visually stunning with the cinematography but it was also emotionally engaging. It’s always nice to see a strong female lead in an action film, and they couldn’t have cast it better with Roxalinda Vasquez! She is likable, interesting, and definitely has the stunt chops to pull this off beautifully.

There is such a fantastic relationship between Roxalinda and her on-screen brother. You feel the affection they have for one another, which is exactly what you want in a film like this.

Any action film needs a great stunt team and B Squad Accion, Robert Samuels and Angel Brophy did a sensational job. The hits were perfect and what helped sell the believability was the sound effect and camera angles. Speaking of effects, the special effect work really helped sell the supernatural aspect of this film too!

I loved the very epic journey this film took me on, and the filmmakers knew how to make a gorgeous and heartfelt action film.

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