Feature Film Review: GROUP. Writer/Director William R.A. Rush


At a group meeting for recovering drug addicts, not everyone is revealing the full truth.

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Review by Andie Karvelis:

Group centers around a variety of addicts and the moderator as we journey through their individual stories and discover the personal anguish each member has. Struggling with addiction of any kind is always hard, being in therapy is something much more accepted now than it was years ago.

However, this isn’t your typical NA meeting. Written and Directed by William R.A. Rush, this story is a slow burn where our group leader Tommy, portrayed by Tommy Malek, is welcoming everyone to another group session and thanking Dan, portrayed by Don Scribner, for hosting.

You get the feeling all of these people have been in this group together for a while. At one point Joe, played by Joe Montoya, even calls Tommy out about something he said 2 weeks prior. The audience gets the benefit of listening to how each person’s addiction started but it seems like everyone in the room would already know this information. It would explain Joe’s hilarious outbursts as he calls several addicts out with perfect comedic timing. Tommy’s absolute frustration when the session is going off the rails is pure, sensational comedy.

For only using one room to film in, the Cinematographer, Michael Joseph Murray did a wonderful job. The creativity with using a projector to show past images while the actors described what they were going through was brilliant. It helped draw you into their individual stories. I have to commend William R.A. Rush for a twist ending that no one would ever see coming