Short Film Review: CHOMP. Directed by Carter Bowden


A young man is challenged both psychically and psychologically when he takes part in an experiment led by a mysterious scientist.

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Review by Victoria Angelique:

The film, CHOMP, serves an allegory for the danger of being addicted to processed food, what people would do for money and the corruption of science when it’s used for evil. Ryan is warned by Xander that the Doctor performing the experiment is evil, but he’s not sure until he is forced to consume cheeseballs. Their bodies and mental state change before they can even think about the danger they’ve put themselves in and the Evil Scientist thinks it’s funny. 

The set design and cinematography pull the viewer right into the film, instantly invested in what is going on in this laboratory. It seems sinister from the start, with the checkered walls and the only bright color the vibrant orange of the cheeseball. A symbol of the innocence of childhood is used for a wicked science experiment. The reason for this experiment is never revealed, only that the Scientists involved seem to enjoy torturing people. 

The effects in CHOMP are award winning. It makes the viewer feel as distorted as Ryan feels once he consumes the cheeseballs. When the world resets with Daisy and the changed Ryan, it seems back to normal except for a few glitches. It’s as if the audience is in Ryan’s mind, as he regains control of his life to save Daisy. 

This film felt like it should be a feature, with more questions asked then answered. The purpose of the experiment is never divulged. CHOMP is still a great film as it leaves the audience wanting more while being able to have the concept ingrained into their minds. 

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