TIFF 2018 Review: SHARKWATER EXTINCTION (Canada 2018) ***

Movie Reviews of films that will be playing at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) in 2018. Go to TIFF 2018 Movie Reviews and read reviews of films showing at the festival.

Sharkwater Extinction Poster

Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction, and with them the destruction of our life support system – activist and filmmaker Rob Stewart embarks on a dangerous quest to stop … See full summary »


Rob Stewart


Rob Stewart


SHARKWATER EXTINCTION is the follow-up of the 2006 documentary SHARKWATER that filmmaker, marine biologist and shark lover championed to convince the world not to eat sharksfin soup.  Sharks have been killed just for their fins.  

According to this new doc, sharks are now killed for a variety of other reasons, thus diminishing the shark population to dangerous extinction levels.  Writer/director Stewart takes his film to Costa Rica, Cape Verde, the Bahamas, Panama, and the US to explore the myriad of ways sharks continue to be in peril.  

Stewart’s aim in the film is clearly twofold: to shock the audience and also to educate them to want to be a fighter for the environment.  The film is not as good as the first but is still moving in its effectiveness.  As most of the world knows by now, the Toronto filmmaker was missing in January 2017 during a dive, making this film his sweet swan song. 

 One can admire the hero for his dedication to the preservation of sharks that eventually took his life.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7iNoSNejSM


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