Today’s Writing Festival Deadline: 1st CHAPTER FESTIVAL.

Get FULL FEEDBACK on your 1st chapter novel. from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Winners get their novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.

Submit here:

Watch Recent Novel Readings:

SUBMIT your novel now (1st chapter) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events. Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation

Just VOTED one of the top festivals in the world today!

Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.

A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you’re looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it’s read online using a top professional actor. It’s a rush you’ll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.

Deadline May 28th – Family & Kids Novel Writing Festival

Submit your Family or Kids Book by the deadline.

FAMILY and KIDS Books will always be needed and wanted in our society. If you can write a great family story, then you are definitely on your way to having a great career. This portion of the Writing Festival would like to present at least 20 new works of Family Novels in the next 12 months. Submit your family novel today:

Submit to the Festival today:

Deadline May 28th – Family & Kids Novel Writing Festival

Get FULL FEEDBACK on either the 1st chapter or entire novel book from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Get your novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.

NEW OPTION: Or, just submit for an actor performance reading transcript of your novel (any 5 pages of your book). Great way to promote the sales of your book if you’re already published. (see examples on the video playlist below)

SUBMIT your novel now (both your 1st chapter or full novel accepted) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events. Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation

Just VOTED one of the top festivals in the world today!

Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.

A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you’re looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it’s read online using a top professional actor. It’s a rush you’ll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.

1st CHAPTER FESTIVAL. Deadline May 10th


Watch Novel Performance Readings:

Get FULL FEEDBACK on your 1st chapter novel. from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Winners get their novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.

Submit your Project via Submittable:


SUBMIT your novel now (1st chapter) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events. Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation

Just VOTED one of the top festivals in the world today!

Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.

A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you’re looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it’s read online using a top professional actor. It’s a rush you’ll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.

The RULES are simple:

1. Write a story. Edit the heck out of it. We accept novels in all genres.

NEW: All submissions to this contest also get a FREE LOGLINE listing on the Writing Festival site. Go to the LOGLINE submission page at and submit your logline information.

2. Email your story to in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.

In the body in the email please add your:
– TYPE OF STORY (genre, length)
– (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your story.

3a. FOR 1st CHAPTER of your novel – Pay the $35 submission fee (Save $15 off regular fee) via the button here:
Buy Now Button

ALL SUBMITTED STORIES GET FULL FEEDBACK – The goal of the Novel Writing Festival is to help everyone involved grow as an artist, so we will offer some kind of constructive criticism whether or not we accept your entry for the formal festival.

Watch Novels Made into a Movie:

Watch Poetry Made into a Movie:

There is no festival like this!

Mainly what this contest does is give exposure to the writer. They will be able to obtain a solid agent, plus get notice by producers looking for writers like yourself. NOTE: The writer will always own 100% rights to their story. The only thing we do is help the writer. Either with notes on their next draft, or gain exposure by having their story showcased at our festival.

Feature Film Review: GROUP. Writer/Director William R.A. Rush


At a group meeting for recovering drug addicts, not everyone is revealing the full truth.

Project Links

Review by Andie Karvelis:

Group centers around a variety of addicts and the moderator as we journey through their individual stories and discover the personal anguish each member has. Struggling with addiction of any kind is always hard, being in therapy is something much more accepted now than it was years ago.

However, this isn’t your typical NA meeting. Written and Directed by William R.A. Rush, this story is a slow burn where our group leader Tommy, portrayed by Tommy Malek, is welcoming everyone to another group session and thanking Dan, portrayed by Don Scribner, for hosting.

You get the feeling all of these people have been in this group together for a while. At one point Joe, played by Joe Montoya, even calls Tommy out about something he said 2 weeks prior. The audience gets the benefit of listening to how each person’s addiction started but it seems like everyone in the room would already know this information. It would explain Joe’s hilarious outbursts as he calls several addicts out with perfect comedic timing. Tommy’s absolute frustration when the session is going off the rails is pure, sensational comedy.

For only using one room to film in, the Cinematographer, Michael Joseph Murray did a wonderful job. The creativity with using a projector to show past images while the actors described what they were going through was brilliant. It helped draw you into their individual stories. I have to commend William R.A. Rush for a twist ending that no one would ever see coming

Short Film Review: DISMISSING THE ENVELOPE. Directed by Steven Wright Clarkson


A young girl enters the painting world of four prominent artists

Review by Andy Karvelis:

“Curiouser and curiouser” cried Alice “Now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was!” Dismissing the Envelope reminds me so much of Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole and ending up in Wonderland where nonsense is the most sense and only sense there is.

Completely A.I. driven, this film takes you on a morphfully, twisting journey into a kaleidoscope world of art. It’s impressive how seamless the computer generated images and motion tracking follow this winding pathway from one painting into another and another and another get the idea. Our Alice, (who I think) is the likeness of Shreyas Iyer, is not only the person we are following through Wonderland, but the only one listed in the credits. Hmmm…curiouser and curiouser.

The music added another layer of trippiness to the film because it had this dissonance that never really resolved. It was unclear if the music was A.I. generated as well but it definitely was a unique choice for a unique film.

Screenwriter Podcast: EP. 1186 – JOHN WOODARD (A HOLIDAY CAROL)

Watch Today’s Podcast:

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Modern day adaptation of Dickens “A Christmas Carol.” Evan Scrooge lives his life as a rich, greedy, bitter, closeted gay man, who despises the holidays. Until one Christmas Eve night, when his dead, ex-lover and business partner, Jake Marley, along with the three spirits of Christmas Present, Past, and Yet to Come, show Scrooge the errors of his ways. Leading Scrooge to open his heart and love for the holidays, as well as his sexuality.

LISTEN to the podcast:

Get to know the writer:

It’s about two men seeking to find love, who spot each other, mutually attracted, but are unable to meet as one is whisked away in his cab.. Both now set on finding the other again, setting into motion a serious of comedic events.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Filmmaker Podcast EP. 1151: Sonja Grace (SPIRIT TRAVELER: Looking into the Past for a Better Future)

Interview by Matthew Toffolo

Mystic Sonja Grace looks at the breaking point of two ancient cultures on opposite sides of the world and how their history can help us today. Her ability to Spirit Travel back in time gives a new perspective on the Hopi Indians from Northern Arizona and the Celtic people of England, Ireland, and Scotland. She examines why circular chambers like kivas and stone circles such as Stonehenge were built, the portals that are marked by these sites and the Demi Gods and aliens who influenced them. From the ancient past Sonja brings back hope for the future.

LISTEN to podcast:

On ITunes:

On the WILDsound Podcast site:

Submit your film or screenplay to the WILDsound Festival today: