Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: FEEDBACK Female Film Festival – Over 70 FIVE Star Ratings

The FEEDBACK Female Film Festival (FFFF) was created for women filmmakers and screenwriters. The goal is to showcase the best of female talent in film & TV from around the world.

Submit via FilmFreeway:


Film Festivals (short & feature) occurs 12 times a year (every month) in Los Angeles and Toronto.

Accepted films get their film screened at 2 festivals. The Audience Feedback Festival where you will receive a video of people’s reactions to your film. (Great asset to promote your movie). Plus, the Film Festival Streaming Service Festival where it will be seen by people in the industry and film fans.

Plus, each filmmaker gets the opportunity to do two interviews to further promote them and their work. A blog interview, and a podcast interview on the Film Festival ITunes show.


Screenplay Readings also take place EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

Every submission received full feedback on their script from an industry professional. Winning scripts get their script performed by professional actors and make into a video for you.


Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: FANTASY/SCI-FI Film & Screenplay Festival

Over 75 FIVE Star Reviews on FilmFreeway!

FANTASY and SCI-FI Stories used to be a fringe market. Now they are in the mainstream and forever as movies, television shows, and stories in this genre are a multi-billion dollar market.

Submit via FilmFreeway:

This is a HYBRID film festival (NOT an online festival) with live screenings for the audience feedback video you will receive, plus an optional virtual 2nd showcase to enhance the film’s exposure. Festival also conducts blog and podcast interviews with the filmmaker. We have also started a filmmaker’s WhatsApp group with over 100 joined to date to chat about next project and make contacts etc….

Get your script and story performed by professional actors at the Fantasy/Sci-Fi Festival. WINNING reading every single month!

Get your short or feature film showcased at the FEEDBACK Film Festival and get an audience video. Now a monthly festival taking place in either Chicago, Los Angeles, or Toronto

All festival dates have been updated to private screenings with the same Audience FEEDBACK videos made for the short & feature films, and recorded script readings performed by professional actors for the screenplays. This is our way of showing community over distance so everyone around the world can experience our Audience Feedback videos.

We specialize in showcasing Fantasy/Sci-Fi stories and making sure that when the work is ready, the writer will benefit by at least obtaining a solid agent.

Awards & Prizes

Accepted Films get their films showcased at the FEEDBACK Film Festival. Then you’ll garner an Audience Video on your film which is a great promotional vehicle, which will set you up to get submitted to future festivals.

Accepted Screenplays get their work performed by professional actors at the writing festival. 3-5 weeks after submitting, you will be sent an email with your full feedback and told if your script is ready to be performed at our festival. We do not have finalists etc.. It is either a winner or a rewrite is suggested and you have a chance to re-submit at a discount rate.

Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: HORROR Underground Film Festival

Various options to submit to the Festival. A HYBRID model. Cinema screenings for audience feedback video (not an online festival). Blog and podcast interviews. And bonus Virtual screening (optional!) geared to create community over distance, PLUS, get your film seen by the right people.

Submit to the Festival Today:

Festival designed to expose and promote films and screenplays that work outside the system and break the boundaries in the horror genre. To bring a voice to the talented independent filmmakers & writers within the horror genre.

Submit your HORROR films and screenplays today to the festival.

Our mission is to promote screenplays, films and videos that dissent radically in form, technique, or content, and challenge and transcend commercial and audience expectations using the audience FEEDBACK festival format that the flagship festivals uses.

Film festival occurs with a private audience at least 6 times a year in Montreal and Los Angeles. Each accepted film received 2 festival screenings. Private cinema screening where they will receive their audience feedback video. And the virtual screening (4-6 weeks after) that is an industry showcase of the best HORROR films from around the world today.

Screenplay Festivals occur once a month. We perform a transcript script of the winners in a studio using professional Canadian actors and post them online for the entire world to see. (Great proof of concept video to use to promote your script.)

NOTE: Accepted works also get the opportunity to do two interviews: A blog interview and an ITunes Film Festival podcast interview.

Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: ACTION/ADVENTURE Film & Screenplay Festival

A showcase of the best Action/Adventure Films and Screenplays from around the world.

Submit on FilmFreeway:

Festival takes place every single month online.

Film Festival will be showcased at the monthly virtual film festival.

Screenplay submissions offers writers at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their stories read aloud using professional actors. Full feedback on all submissions as well by our team of professional screenwriters.

We have created a hybrid festival with 4 tiers to enhance your film and your festival experience. All accepted films receive all four tier options:

Tier #1 – Your film plays at a private festival event where the audience will record their comments/reactions to your film on their camera or phone, then we edit them and send you a promotional video. No matter what you will receive a promotional video of your film of people commenting on your film.

Tier #2 (optional) – Your film plays on the Film Festival streaming service for 30 hours and invite a select industry audience to watch it. With this system, some films have already received a distribution deal as many platforms are looking for solid feature and short documentaries. We can not guarantee anything of course but this has been very helpful to many in the past. (see testimonials below)

Then (Tier #3) we will send you a list of questions to answer for our blog interview that will promote you and your film. Then after that (Tier #4) we will set up a podcast interview on our popular ITunes show where will we chat with you about the process of how the film was made.