Deadline May 28th – Family & Kids Novel Writing Festival

Submit your Family or Kids Book by the deadline.

FAMILY and KIDS Books will always be needed and wanted in our society. If you can write a great family story, then you are definitely on your way to having a great career. This portion of the Writing Festival would like to present at least 20 new works of Family Novels in the next 12 months. Submit your family novel today:

Submit to the Festival today:

Deadline May 28th – Family & Kids Novel Writing Festival

Get FULL FEEDBACK on either the 1st chapter or entire novel book from our committee of Professional Writers, and Writing Consultants. Get your novel performed by a professional actor at the festival.

NEW OPTION: Or, just submit for an actor performance reading transcript of your novel (any 5 pages of your book). Great way to promote the sales of your book if you’re already published. (see examples on the video playlist below)

SUBMIT your novel now (both your 1st chapter or full novel accepted) To be eligible for our Writing Festival Events. Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation

Just VOTED one of the top festivals in the world today!

Submit a novel book and get it seen by the world.

A great way to get your words out there, obtain the Agent you’re looking for or just get your story seen by more people. If you win, your story will be seen by 100,000s of people when it’s read online using a top professional actor. It’s a rush you’ll never experience in your life seeing it come to life that way.