Today’s FilmFreeway Deadline: HORROR Underground Film Festival

Various options to submit to the Festival. A HYBRID model. Cinema screenings for audience feedback video (not an online festival). Blog and podcast interviews. And bonus Virtual screening (optional!) geared to create community over distance, PLUS, get your film seen by the right people.

Submit via FilmFreeway:

Festival designed to expose and promote films and screenplays that work outside the system and break the boundaries in the horror genre. To bring a voice to the talented independent filmmakers & writers within the horror genre.

Submit your HORROR films and screenplays today to the festival.

Our mission is to promote screenplays, films and videos that dissent radically in form, technique, or content, and challenge and transcend commercial and audience expectations using the audience FEEDBACK festival format that the flagship festivals uses.

Film festival occurs with a private audience at least 6 times a year in Montreal and Los Angeles. Each accepted film received 2 festival screenings. Private cinema screening where they will receive their audience feedback video. And the virtual screening (4-6 weeks after) that is an industry showcase of the best HORROR films from around the world today.

Screenplay Festivals occur once a month. We perform a transcript script of the winners in a studio using professional Canadian actors and post them online for the entire world to see. (Great proof of concept video to use to promote your script.)

NOTE: Accepted works also get the opportunity to do two interviews: A blog interview and an ITunes Film Festival podcast interview.

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